Cannabis Gifting

Guide to Cannabis Gifting


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Cannabis Gifting

The Helpful Guide to Cannabis Gifting

Gift Ideas for Medical Marijuana Patients & Adult Cannabis Consumers!

Whether you consume yourself or you’re looking for something different and unique for a friend, I hope to be able to bring you many ideas and uses to help guide your purchasing experience.

Follow my social media sites for updates on current promotions & special offers!
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Information and personal experience contained in this post are specific to Pennsylvania (PA) state law Medical Marijuana Program and my personal views, opinions and experience(s).
It is important for you to know that medical marijuana laws vary from state to state, and are subject to change. has a great comprehensive list of qualifying conditions by state.
*All opinions are my own and are not meant to represent the views and beliefs of any one person or entity otherwise.
If you have any questions at all about any of the products listed in this guide or just want to know more about cannabis and how it relates to me and my life personally please reach out!
I am NOT a doctor, I do NOT know everything there is to know about cannabis, but I DO know me and my body. I DO know how it has helped me and many of my friends and family. I DO understand more than the average user, as a medical patient of cannabis and a lifetime user and advocate. I do NOT claim to be an expert in anyway related to cannabis or any items related to the use of cannabis, I only hope to help encourage the normalization of such a great plant and encourage people to educate themselves.
Kelli ~ @Edohpa

Thank you! ~ If you need further or immediate assistance please contact me via email

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