The Book of Questions
By Author: Gregory Stock PhD
I bought this book to many years ago to remember, but it is still one of my absolute favorite books for when I’m in a conversational mood or need something to create deep thoughtful conversations with someone I would like to get to know better.
The reason this book is so helpful in finding out things you might have never found out about somebody. There are no right or wrong answers. All answers are based off perception and life experiences of each individual person reading or responding.
The questions in this book will leave you contemplating your own beliefs and thought processes while opening up a whole new way of thinking in some instances.
One feature this book offers is follow up questions. This section of the book is titled “Further Questions” When you come across a question that has an asterisk at the end “*” it indicates that there is/are follow up questions at the end of the book related to the original question.
These follow up questions can help expand on the conversation or just give you a different way of interpreting the question.
I have had many people borrow this book over the years and honestly its one of the only books I always ask to have back. I am usually the type of person that once I read a book I gift it to someone else who shows interest or I donate to the local library.
This book however I always tend to ask for it back and then relent to someone else. I’ve also had some borrow it multiple times over the years.
Also available
“The Book of Questions: Revised and Updated”
I recently found out there is a newer updated version of this same book by the same author. The updated version is now on my wish list and I will most likely be gifting this to myself soon.