Composting Basics & Deals

Basic Understanding

What is composting?

Composting is nature’s process of recycling decomposed organic materials into a rich soil known as compost. Compost can be created from a wide variety of organic materials fromĀ  kitchen scraps to waste.

Compost is a key ingredient in organic farming. Healthy plants from a nutrient rich soil look better, produce better and are stronger when it comes to fighting off pests and diseases.

At the simplest level, the process of composting simply requires making a heap of wet down organic matter, known as green waste (leaves and other small lawn debris, food waste, bits of paper and scraps) and waiting for the materials to break down into humus after a period of weeks or months.

Whether you’re a homesteader or beginning gardener, composting can be your pot of gold. The difference between healthy plants that are not only lovely to look at, but also produce in greater quantities and quality.

Composting can be done on a small residential scale or a much larger scale. Green minded corporations partner with waste hauling services that provide environmentally safe disposal.

Creating your own organic compost is easily done at home. With few tools and little research you could be on your way to black gold as some call it.

Below I’ve listed some helpful tools and even a Free App that gives you a step by step course in composting! A free app allows you to gain knowledge and understanding before deciding to go full force into it. Give it a try and if you do, let me know what you thought in the comments below!

The US Composting Council has a lot of information on composting in general, as well as guides for teachers and students, and even better for the homesteader or backyard gardener or composters, they have a great list of resources and links to find for many different states!


~ Post Contains Affiliate Links ~
  1. Composting COURSE APP: Free App! The Benefits of Composting, Different Types of Composting, Building Your Own Compost Bin, the Best Food for your Compost Bin, What Not to Compost.
  2. EZ Leaf Hauler: EZ Leaf Hauler holds up to four wheelbarrow’s worth of leaves. Six built-in handles for easy transport.

3.Worm Compost Bin: The Worm Factory 360 uses worms to recycle kitchen scraps, paper waste, and cardboard into nutrient-rich compost.

  1. Redmon Green Culture 65-Gallon Compost Bin: Features 4 doors for easy access, all around Composting guide included.
  2. Compostable Waste Bags, 25-Pack: Teams up with the Fresh Air Compost Collector to reduce mess, odor and more.

6. Vermicomposting T-shirt: Vermicomposting, or worm composting, is a great activity for the whole family – it’s educational, fun, and good for the Earth!

  1. Compost Stew: An A to Z Recipe for the Earth Paperback: Perfect for an Earth Day focus or year-round reference, this inviting book provides all the answers for kids and families looking for simple, child-friendly ways to help the planet.
  2. 1.5 Gallon Kitchen Bin w/ Filter: Store fruit and vegetable waste, coffee grounds, egg shells and more right on your counter with this attractive off-white compost canister.
  3. Self Contained Toilet: Designed to withstand harsh environment, it can be used anywhere you need a toilet, especially anywhere that plumbing or electricity is difficult or non-existent. Environmentally friendly waste hauling is available for larger business and corporations as well!
  4. Bokashi Compost Kit: Bokashi means fermented organic matter in Japanese. It is an ingenious Japanese system that ferments all your kitchen waste and transforms it into the true organic fertilizer.

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14 thoughts on “Composting Basics & Deals”

  1. This was very informative. I have often wondered about composting around my home. What I could use and add to it. I will certainly share with my husband.

  2. Composting is something that we used to do but since we moved to the city we stopped. These are some really great resources!

  3. Gemille Sleweon

    I want to start growing my own produce soon and i’ve been reading a lot more about composting! I found this post very helpful. Thank you for sharing!

  4. I didn’t think living in the city we’d have any use for it but I suppose it would be good for any plants. Forty some years ago my mother started saving her coffee cans and throwing leftover food (no meat I remember) and egg shucks into them then after so long they ended up in whichever garden they were not using at the time.

  5. My mom is the gardener is the family. She always composted, she just didn’t call it that. I always wondered, as a child, why she saved food scraps.

  6. Lots of good composting information here . We have a big composting bin after using a home made one for years. Very good for the the earth and when planting a garden.

  7. Thank you SO MUCH for this post. I’ve been really interested in slowly starting up with composting, but the person I live with is not quite on-board.
    The Composting Course looks really neat– thanks again!

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